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Here’s everything new coming from Apple in July 2021

02 Jul 21 | Apple, Mac

June was a huge month for Apple. WWDC introduced a whole bunch of big software and services news, but it […]

How to use your Mac’s Wi-Fi menu to sort out weak areas of Wi-Fi coverage

02 Jul 21 | Mac, Wi-Fi

If your household is like ours, you probably added Wi-Fi base stations in 2020. We went from four to six […]

Master the macOS command line: How to use the command manual in Terminal

How can you learn about all those mysterious Terminal commands, such as ls or cd? Is it some kind of […]

How to install the macOS Monterey Public Beta

01 Jul 21 | Mac, macOS

The next version of the Mac operating system, macOS 12 Monterey, will be officially released this fall. But you can […]

The free ride is over: Apple will soon start charging for TV+

01 Jul 21 | Apple TV, Mac

Since it launched in November 2019, Apple TV+ has ostensibly been free. Apple offered a full year of Apple TV+ […]

The next MacBook Air: Redesigned laptop might not arrive until 2022

01 Jul 21 | Mac, MacBook, MacBook Air, Rumors

Apple made some drastic changes when it launched the new MacBook Air in 2018, but other than the processor and […]

Apple designates the 2015 MacBook as ‘vintage’ as rumors swirl about its return

01 Jul 21 | Mac, MacBook

When Apple launched the MacBook in 2015, it was supposed to be a new era for Apple’s ultraportable laptops. Thinner […]

Here’s why your iPhone is missing some iOS 15 Public Beta features

01 Jul 21 | iOS, iPad, Mac, macOS, watchOS

If you’ve been waiting for the iOS 15 Public Beta to arrive, the big day has arrived, even earlier than […]

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