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Study shows that you'll practically never date if you own this phone

Posted August 28, 2020 | Mobile | News

If you’ve been unlucky dating and you can’t understand why, a new survey might have figured out the reason. If you check off all of the boxes in the looks department, have a fabulous sense of humor and tons of money but continue to strike out when it’s your turn at bat, your problem could be the equipment that you’re holding in your hand. That’s right, according to a study taken by CompareMyMobile, your phone might not be impressive enough.

If you use a BlackBerry, you might as well give up on dating

According to the site, “millenials are more likely to be influenced by the phone their date has than the car they drive. Could your phone be keeping you single? Our new study dived head first into the world of online dating and found the wrong phone could make you up to 75% less swipeable. With more people to choose from and less to separate them, a study from the team at found that the difference between finding love and being left on the shelf could even come down to the phone you have, with young singletons caring more about your tech than your car. In fact, choosing the wrong phone could leave you 74% less datable, especially if you live in London!”

The study found that those with an Apple iPhone are 76% more likely to be viewed as “datable” while those with an Apple Watch have a 61% better chance at finding a match. While some might be turned off by the look of AirPods sticking out of a potential date’s ears, those sporting the totally wireless Bluetooth earbuds are 41% more likely to find a date. Carrying a Samsung handset will improve your chances of finding romance by 19%  according to the study. And someone hoping to convey a sense that size matters and that bigger is better should be able to score points by showing off their 6.9-inch Galaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
Not all devices will help you find a date. In fact, the study shows that some phones will actually reduce your chance of finding romance. For example, if someone you ask out spots that Google Pixel in your hand, the odds of getting a positive response to your query declines by 10%. The odds that this person will accept your invitation drops by 14% if you own a Sony-branded handset. You’re 23% more likely to have any potential date banned if your fingers are wrapped around a Huawei phone, and a OnePlus model turns off a potential date by 30%.

That brings us to the phone that the study shows will make anyone practically undatable. A BlackBerry handset reduces the chance of romance by a whopping 74%. With the BlackBerry name returning later this year on a 5G phone, those who are single might want to think twice about purchasing one.

Of course, not everyone needs to see what kind of phone someone owns before asking him or her out. The study revealed that the kind of phone someone owns carries more influence among women than men. For women in the 31-35 age bracket, the brand of phone carried by a potential date carries a 70% influence on whether to go out with someone.

Lastly, in different cities certain devices have more pull. In New York City, ranked number one for tech influence on romance by the study, the hottest device to attract love is the Apple AirPods. In London (#2), Los Angeles (#4), and Vancouver (#5), that device is the iPhone 11. In Manchester, wearing an Apple Watch improves your chances of floating in the dating pool instead of sinking.

For the study, CompareMyMobile created fake dating profiles across 15 major cities. The only difference between the profiles was the tech brand displayed. More than 50,000 swipes were compared to a profile that had no tech displayed.

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