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New Windows Insider Build Adds a Few Minor Improvements

Posted February 12, 2021 | Windows | Windows 10

Microsoft has released a new Windows Insider Program Dev build, which you’ll recall is not matched to any specific Windows version. But unlike most recent Dev builds, there are a few minor improvements and changes.

They are:

News and interests comes to more markets. The poorly named “news and interests experience on the taskbar” is now available in “a broader set of international languages and markets.” Previously, it was only available in United States, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, and India. It’s not clear what those languages and markets are; we just no it’s not available in China.

Microsoft Edge replaces Microsoft Edge Legacy. No surprise here, but I suppose the big news is that Legacy Edge is finally gone for good.

Input Method Editor (IME) improvements. Microsoft is redesigning its IME to be more modern, with an optimized font size and quicker access to emoji. Irritatingly, the Insider Program is also A/B testing this change because it hates doing the right thing.

Beyond that, there are several fixes, including this fun one: The display product version is now “Dev” since the Dev channel isn’t matched to any coming Windows 10 version. It is most decidedly not “Windows 10 vNext,” for example. (That would be the Beta channel, normally.)

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